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General Instructions to the Students
1. Need of practical for the science students
For the science students, practical is very important as they can verify any facts which they study in the theory classes. The students do the practical with their own hand. So that, they understand theory well.
2. What is a laboratory?
Laboratory is a place where the necessary apparatus and equipment are kept to perform a certain experiment for the teachers and the students.
3. Assets to bring to the laboratory
While coming to the lab for the practical purpose, students of biological group are required to bring necessary biological assets with them.
4. Proper care of instruments and equipments
The insturments, apparatus, glassware and other materials must be carefully handled. Students should replace the apparatus back to the same position after use. Students must clean or maintain the apparatus before and after use.
5. Punctuality and disclipline in the laboratory
A science student must be punctual in the practiaal class to keep his practical record up to date. Once the practical class is missed, it is difficult for the teacher to repeat it. A student is required a high degree of discipline in the laboratory.
6. Maintaining practical record :
Biology practical record can be bought from the stationary. Practical paper must be of good quality. Students must maintain their practical record file up to date, neat and clean. The practical should be recorded in your file on the same day. Students must get the practical checked by the teacher.
7. Drawing and labeling the diagrams
Diagrams should always be made on clean biology practical sheets. Students must follow the given rules to draw and label the diagrams:
8. Writing comments
After drawing a diagram students may use a separate ruled parer to write comments. Comments can be writen with pencil or pen. Comments are written in points. Students are advised to see and follow the sample shown by he instructor in the practical exam.