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Tourism In Nepal: Challenges and Solutions
Tourism is a major source of economy of our country Nepal.More than 3% Gross National Product(GNP) comes from tourism and provides employment opportunity to a large number of People. tourism is an important foreeign currency earning source of Nepal. Nepal needs foreign currency to import the foreign trade like oil, medicine, salt, machineries etc. So, having foreign currency reserved in sufficient amount is very important for Nepal. In between1999-2000, Nepal earned 12073.9 million rupees from tourism industry. this proves that tourism industry is very important for developing country like Nepal.For last few years the condition of Nepalese Tourism Industry is degrading due to:-
- Peace and Security in Nepal has been decreasing due to which the overflow of tourist is getting less in recent years.
- Pollution has been increased due to which the population is affected and the health of tourist is also getting bad.
- The infrastructures of tourism like lodge, hotels, transportation, communication etc. has not been well developed here.
- The government of Nepal is unable to enforce effective programs, policies and publicity to promote tourism.
- Regular and reliable international air service has not been available for the tourist coming from different countries.
Solution to the above mentioned problems:-
- Peace should be restored throughout the country as soon as possible.
- Hotels, lodges and restaurant should be properly managed at required places and numbers.
- Transportation facility should be accessible in all the tourist areas.
- International flights should also be increased.
- Pollution should be controlled as soon as possible so that all the tourist would get a fresh life here.
- Cheating, begging and following the tourist should be controlled as soon as possible so to let the tourist to live free and independently.
- Tourist Destinations should be well faciliated and news destination should be identified.